Monday, April 21, 2008

MK Vs. DC and News for the Future.

Sub-Zero V. Katwoman

As most of you who are reading this are probably aware by now, the worlds of Mortal Kombat and DC Comics are colliding. Here's the trailer that was released earlier this week:

The big news about this game is that they are attempting to make it T rated. Although it does look like there will be a decent amount of gore, one can't help but feel like they are selling out their tried and true formula to try and sell the game to a larger audience. To be frank, Mortal Kombat hasn't been relevant for years now and aligning with DC doesn't help all that much.

I personally don't plan on even renting the game because I don't really like fighting games that much. I also never really understood the draw of making games based on comic books or putting comic book characters in games in order to sell more games. I understand that comics are probably a big seller in some parts of the country, but I don't even know of a place that sells comics within a half hour's drive of where I currently live.

It's just a regional thing I'm sure, but the addition of 15 or so comic book characters along with the Mortal Kombat essentials that won't have brutal fatalities just doesn't sound like an intriguing game to me. Unless of course they change their minds on the "T rating" thing and you can cut dudes in half as Batman or blow someones head off with you laser eyes as Superman. Then I may rent the game.

Recent Goings-On in my Life

My apologies for the delay since my last post but I got my gaming PC back from repair on Wednesday of last week and I have been playing some games on that; both new and old. I've been getting back into Company of Heroes and Counter-Strike as well as playing GTA:San Andreas to get into the mood for GTAIV. Also, Nick and I will probably be playing through Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 later this week so expect a review on that soon. My updates will likely be sparse for a while because I have finals in 3 weeks, but after that I will be getting as many reviews up as possible as well as starting to make video reviews which I will post to my youtube channel here.

Also, don't forget to go visit my friend Chris's blog. He will be getting some video reviews up soon, most likely for Ikugara and some other games. If you're into politics and you think that a majority of the people on this planet are terribly stupid, go to my roommate Jeff's blog here and read some of his rants about society and politics.

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