Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rock Band Vs. Guitar Hero

My View: I just thought I'd take a break from looking at business related matters within the industry and discuss the differences between Guitar Hero and Rock Band today. I'll spare you the mundane details about peripherals (with the exception of me saying that I prefer the Rock Band guitar) and get right into the nuances in gameplay.

When many people compare the guitar parts in Rock Band to the guitar parts in Guitar Hero 3 they often bring up the issue of difficulty in the songs. While it is true that in the song that IGN chose to compare the two on (The song is Mississippi Queen, for those who can't watch the video), the difficulty in GH is greater, other songs like Sabotage and Paranoid are made more difficult because of the fact that the hammer-ons aren't as easy to do. I'll explain the difference for those who don't know. In GH3, to accomplish a hammer-on all you need to do is press the next button some time in between the 2 notes and hold it until the note passes the bar on the bottom. whereas in Rock Band the hammer-on style from GH2 is used and there is a predetermined window of time in which you need to press the button in order for it to register; if you hit too early, it counts as a missed note. I could easily complete the hardest song on Rock Band if the GH3 hammer-ons were used in this game.

Also, the fact that Rock Band has been releasing a constant stream of DLC since launch day is a fantastic feat. Rock Band hit shelves with 58 songs total, while Guitar Hero had 73. However, now Rock Band has 126 songs available to play, while Guitar Hero has 106. The most recent DLC pack for Rock Band includes a song from Serj Tankian titled "Beethoven's Cunt." This shows their willingness to release good tracks, even if the title of the song is vulgar.

Overall, I believe that Rock Band surpasses Guitar Hero in numerous ways: Replay value, Content, Multi-player, and their overall philosophy. The only area that GH has a significant advantage is in the single-player career mode. While each game has their niche in gaming culture, GH with it's hardcore competitive scene and Rock Band with it's exceptional party gaming reputation, I firmly believe that Rock Band is a far superior game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree that Rock Band is the better game at this point. GH3 got old and the songs on expert near the end were such a jump harder than the others earlier in the game. The DLC for Rock Band also keeps me coming back for more. Rock Band is the ultimate party music game right now, and I personally prefer playing the drums solo over the guitar solo. That doesn't mean I will stop buying Guitar Hero games, but it does mean that I will be playing more Rock Band in comparison.